Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings on the opening of the 2024 Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

The message reads, in part:
“This creative forum is always an eagerly anticipated
event for residents of Moscow and visitors to the capital. It impresses with
the grandeur of its concept, stunning visual appeal, the talent of its
participants, and, of course, the unique festive atmosphere that permeates the event.
Just like in previous years, the festival’s programme
features performances by military bands and ceremonial units, as well as song-and-dance and folklore companies from Russia and other countries. These
performances will take place on Red Square, in the Patriot Park near Moscow,
and various venues throughout the city. In addition to traditional concerts,
the organisers have planned charity and educational initiatives aimed at instilling
patriotic values among the younger generations and providing support to the families
of servicemen taking part in the special military operation.
I am confident that this festival will be a true
celebration of music and will leave a lasting impression on all those present.”
